Emanuele Barborini
Tethis SpA , Italy
Emanuele Barborini received the PhD in Physics from the University of Milan in 2000. In 2004 he was co-founder of Tethis, a Nanotech-Biotech SME born as Spin-off of the University of Milan. Since 2007 he serves as Head of Applicative Research and R&D Special Projects Manager at Tethis, where he manages Applied Research and related Technology Transfer projects. His main achievements regard: atomic clusters and nanomaterials production methods, chemoresistive micro-sensing, nanomaterial-based devices for oncology and proteomics. In 2015 he was Visiting Scientist at the University of Helsinki, where he coordinated the research on the use of nanostructured surfaces in MALDI mass spectrometry. Dr. Barborini is author of 97 scientific publications and inventor of 10 national (Italy) and international (EU, USA) patents. He has h-index 26 and 2325 citations (Scopus, July 2018). In 2017 he has been awarded the “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 02/B1 Prima Fascia”.
Abstract : Transition metal–spinel nanoporous multi--layers by double beam cluster beam deposition